***AWESOME GAME…!!! Thank you.
***AWESOME GAME…!!! Thank you.
The game works flawlessly; no glitches or crashes. Could use more user options to speed up animation or no animation, board is a great on lager screens like tablets.
Excellent gameplay, good sound effects, good visuals, and there is really a chance of winning. Very enjoyable, and ads are not intrusive.
Game pretty decent although to many ads and never players found
I really liked battle ship growing up I remember, it’s like a new version of how people in the near future can play Battle ship, Thanks to those all who put this masterpiece bird game together.
Need to be able to play same previous player. Too long waiting, 2 minute maximum delay.
I’ve enjoyed this app for a while now but the long lasting obnoxious commercials will drive me to uninstall it fast. No second chances with me.
I like the game and play it with my 4 ear old, but a commercial came on today that was horrible and now I’m thinking I might keep looking. Thanks a lot. This is NOT appropriate for 4 year olds….maybe teenagers.
Great graphics and especially sound. Really great job.
This is a fun game but when you play someone over the internet it seems like you have to wait an awful long time until someone else joins so there aren’t always other players to play against, which is a bummer because I like that feature the best. Also it would be cool to have in game chat.
What is the code needed to play a friend? I see there are 2 ways to play, and one of them requires a code. How do I find and/or share the code?
Game no longer functioning for online player-to-player. The opponent shows a red target but no missile can be launched, and/or games cannot begin so opponents leave. I have played maybe 300 games here and the app has broken for the last 50 attempts to play (even after deleting app and reloading). You guys are about to lose me as a customer-gamer.
This is a very fun game. Much like the classic just digital. Wanna play the computer turns go fast so if you want a quick play this is the version of this game for you you could also play random cold it’s around the world or friends all together love this game this app
To much ads
Can at times be very hard. Computer seems to learn!
This game is so much fun. You can play against each other, random people or the computer. This game stands out from the others. I just wish it would keep score on how many times I beat my husband!
Too many glitches. Get kicked out all the time when playing with friends.
Had this game for a while and played a lot of games against the computer. Findings: 1 - The computer always knows where your pieces are, and therefore frames your ships before attacking 2 - Will take an extra turn about 1 game out of three or four games 3 - The computer’s strike averages the first kill being either the battleship or the smallest ship Not realistic at all.
The game is entertaining, however, the Computer opponent is off the mark. When it has scored hits on your multiple “bunched” (contiguous) ships it will then start making random shots around the playing field rather than taking shots to sink your ships. It will eventually teturn to sink your bunched ships. Takes a bit of fun out of the game. This happens on both iPhone and iPad and does not happen if your ships are separated from each other.
Y’all are cheating #mfinglowlifes. It’s so obvious to anyone with a #fing brain that playing the computer is rigged.
The game is great but the political implications has to stop there is no American flag! That makes you lower than Whale crap in my mind! And that is what counts to me.
The computer knows wear your ships are
Fun! Fun! Fun!
I like it and I love it so much but it needs more updates
I like the sounds and explosions and the smoke, you can almost smell the cordite. Would deserve a 5 star rating if the game kept statistics. When you feel like just whopping someone this is the game you go for.
I like this version of classic Battleship. There are many elements that make this version stand out from the others; the graphics; the look of the ships; the way the rocket takes off and you see the bullseye where it will hit; the way the ships smoke when hit; the extras (i.e. the birds and planes). I wish, however, there was a paid version; I really, really don’t like ads!! I’d rather pay a small fee to have them removed!
This game will not allow you to link up with other players. Disappointed
The game keeps logging out in the middle of the game!😡An the most disturbing thing was that we were at the end of the game looking for the smallest ships!!!
This used to be a fantastic app. I used to use it as an example of cool interface and game design. Haven’t used it in a few years... wow has it fallen from grace dramatically... and now with ads which prevent game play. Couldn’t even fire at my team mate... but ho! Those ads are do play back. It hate it when it’s the same ad over and over and over again. It’s just a slap in the face every time it’s played.
Really cool version of the old board game. 2 person via wifi is a bit glitchy. Randomly, both players will get a message saying the other player left the game, even though neither did. Doesn’t happen real often, maybe once every 4 or 5 games. Other than that, great fun. Animations & sound effects are cool, without being overdone. Fix the glitch and it’s a five star game for sure.
I like this one because it has five ships, just like the original game from back in the day. I was asking myself “I wonder what it does when you get a hit?” I was quite surprised. This is a good game. I do have to agree with the people that suggested something that keeps track of your wins and losses. The chat feature, not so much, as I only play against the computer.
My friend and I have been playing for a while. But now it always logs you off the game. Example. If someone calls you it tells the other player you left the game. It’s so annoying and you have to keep restarting. They need to make it so I’d you happen to get a call or swipe out of the game for a second , that it doesn’t kick you off. Very annoying
Unfortunately there are a few bullies that ruin it for others. Like Antoine who logs off early if he's losing...otherwise it's pretty fun.
Love playing 2 player on the same iPad with my spouse or my kid. The ads aren’t too intrusive.
Anytime you get a low power mode or a phone call it kicks you off your game. It also would be great to be able to keep track of your wins and losses. A chat feature would be cool too. Please fix otherwise it’s awesome!
Due to the size of the screen, it’s sometimes difficult to aim correctly
No stats is a big negative. Unable to connect to live players often and I’m certain it’s not my device. Over all very solid and good graphics for free game.
This game would be more fun if it kept score this is the second time I have loaded on my phone the first time after a few games the computer knew where all of my ships were and a game was quick
When we try to load the game, it takes FOREVER for two to connect thru Wi-Fi. And then, when finally connected, someone “leaves”, although no one did. And then there’s the ads.....
And computer is so easy to beat. In 5 months, found one player online. Played several games. Much better, but never anyone to play... Scott
This is a great fun game but it connects to random people. If I want to play with my friend , I can’t make sure that I connect with her over the Internet . Hope it can be added to the game.
The ads don’t bother me because I play offline. But just curious... among all the different countries flags to choose from, why no option for an American flag?
But need more special effects. And need more people to play
Old game, still fun. Very realistic animation. I can rarely connect with others, though. And I think they quit frequently because the game is so slow. I'd love it to be a little faster, keep the action going. But it is a great game and there are no ads once the game starts.
The game is good and it's really cool how the rockets look on your device but it isn't really a game to play with a friend I think playing against a robot or the global players works perfectly but where's the fun in that? I think that you should be able to play against your friend on different devices until then I give it a two star review.
I love the game on the iPhone but if you could change the black smoke on the iPad when the ships are sunk because it’s hard to see if there’s any space next to them open. Thank you.
It takes no real knowledge and fun! But I think there’s a bug. I won but the computer kept on playing.
Used to be a good game until the update. Now the screen blacks out with every hit. Fix it or I'm gone.
We love this game but we’re sick and tired of the game freezing or players “leaving the game” (when neither of us leave the game?!)....why can’t this game work right?? It’s a lot of fun and graphics are good,,,but we are just about to give it up. So aggravating to be in the middle of the game and getting booted out. Plus the crap ads you have to watch are ridiculous. How about an ad free option...that works???